
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Loving Blue...

I don't know if it's the spring season that is upon us or if it's the many beautiful colors of the Easter eggs that will soon fill our baskets but I'm suddenly loving blue! Don't get me wrong, it's always been my favorite color but for some reason I always shy away from it when it comes to decorating. I'm immediately drawn to it when I see it anywhere but
I never just go with it. My problem is that I'm in love with way too many styles of decor and can never commit to just one. But then who can? Home decorating is ever evolving, constantly changing - we're never really "done" decorating are we? So I love the earthy, Country French Farmhouse look with splashes of red throughout using red striped grain sacks and red ticking fabric and of course plenty of burlap! I love red paint too, so while our great room has khaki colored walls, white painted furniture and white slip covered sofas, it opens into a kitchen painted red which flows into a dining room also painted red. I love these rooms but in the back of my mind, blue is still there just begging to make an appearance. And...since l love the way certain shades of blue look with red, I'm going to go for it. I'm going to unleash that blue and use it on the walls in the formal living room at the front of the house. I'm talking about the softer, paler shades of blue. Something sophisticated for a more formal room but welcoming and comfortable at the same time. Plus it must tie in with the red dining room that will be visible from the living room. Remember long ago, I posted about wanting to change our living room? It was and still is yellow because we just couldn't decide what color to paint it. I mentioned blue to hubby and he was okay with it. He suggested we go and have a sample mixed to try it and see what it looks like, to decide whether or not we like it. I walked through the house today and realized how much blue I've snuck in here and there - see above photo collage - I'm loving it more than ever.
See that bar stool? It used to be black. Not anymore!! Now it's...yes, you guessed it. Blue - just painted this afternoon! And I love the way it goes with the red in the kitchen!
Hope you all are having a fabulous spring weekend and speaking of spring....

I couldn't finish this post without adding a picture of our sweet baby girl in her Easter finery! Well, actually it's this dress or another one that is all white with pretty ruffles down the front. I don't have a photo yet of that one on her. After this little photo shoot, she'd had enough. She wasn't having any part of me snapping another round of photos in the white dress too!
Maybe tomorrow???
We'll see...
Have a great day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Busy Baby Days!!

Good morning everyone!
I wanted to pop in and say hello and share a few photos of our sweet little one! She's been keeping me busy but oh how I love it!! These newborn baby days are so special and I cherish every second of every minute of every day. They grow so quickly!!
She's been such a good baby and only gets up 2-3 times at night. So different from the others. I've been enjoying dressing her up in all of her pretty little outfits and bows (the shoes are still a little too big) and taking TONS of pictures.

I'll be back soon with some fun projects, but for now I'm just loving on my little ones!
Enjoy your day everyone. Spring is just around the corner!
xo and God Bless,