
Monday, September 26, 2011

Inspiration Takes Flight

It's a bittersweet moment.  Well, not really a moment but rather time.  The time to redecorate a room.  Not just any room, but the very first nursery we ever did for our first born child.  That was 11 years ago but I could swear that it was only yesterday.  I vividly remember wanting to do the room in Winnie the Pooh ~ Classic Pooh though, not the vibrant reds and blues of today's Pooh Bear.  We went and picked out a sweet Classic Pooh wall paper border and then we took it out to Lowe's and had them color match the blue and the cream shades from the paper.  We painted the top half of the room in cream and the bottom half in blue.  Where the two colors met, the paper border was hung.  Then we added a chair rail along the bottom of the border and another decorative trim to the top.  We then lovingly put in a crib, dresser, changing table and all the other exciting things that you buy for your very first baby.  I dressed up the crib with bedding that perfectly matched the border.  In our eyes it was perfect.  We sat back and admired our work while we waited for baby to arrive.
It was the first room in our home that we really decorated. 
Baby arrived and it was magical.  The room was well loved and by the time baby was able to climb out of the crib, number two was on the way.

We loved that nursery so, and decided to use it exactly as is for number 2 and for number 3.
When number 4 came along, we were blessed with the chance to decorate a whole new nursery in a different room {in pink}
That brings us to this post.  Number 3 is still in that Pooh Bear room and he's ready for a change.

He loves airplanes - and that, I can proudly say, he got from me!
He wants his room done in an airplane theme.
So, armed with all of his toy airplanes that you see pictured here,  I am ready to remove Pooh.
I think.
But change is good right?  And, I have lots of good memories of this room...hold on, let me get a tissue.

I'm gathering the accessories that I've been collecting for many years...some from my old airline days, some purchased more recently knowing that this day would come.  I'll take down the framed picture of Pooh dancing in an April shower and replace it with this little guy that I bought years ago.
and one like this too {this one was a wonderful gift from my sister to one of our other boys who also loves airplanes}  

As inspiration takes flight, I'll just roll with it and excitedly come up with all kinds of new ideas for the new room.  I'll probably even shed a tear or two along the way but that's okay, we'll make new memories that will be just as good!

Have a wonderful evening.

xo and God Bless,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall and a Chalkboard

Remember the mirror that I bought at the yard sale a couple of weeks ago?
You can see it here.
The plan was to turn it into a chalkboard, so now it's just that ~ a chalkboard!  I finished it up last week.  I removed the mirror and painted the backer board inside with chalkboard paint.  Then I wrote "Happy Fall" on it and added it to the mantel as part of the fall decor.

I also added a few dollar store crows - love the dollar store!

and this cool fan that my brother-in-law gave to me.
  We all had a yard sale together several weeks ago.  We were sitting around a few days before the day of the sale discussing all of the items that we had to get rid of.  He mentioned that he had this old fan he wanted to sell.  His wife said, "no way that thing is so old, you can't sell it.  Just throw it away."  I said, "you better not throw it away - haha, I'll take it."
and that is how the fan came to live on my mantle
It's crusty and old but that's just how I like it!!

Happy Fall!!

xo and God Bless,

be sure to go over and visit everyone!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Painter's Drop Cloth Curtains

Yes, I finally opened the packages of drop cloths and made the curtains.  I've only been meaning to do it for a year.  It's very easy to do too.  I was very lazy in a hurry so I didn't sew any hems or iron a thing - not even one wrinkle.  I know...gasp!  All four panels were done and hung in under 30 minutes.  The only thing you'll want to make sure you do, is wash and dry your drop cloth first.
So this is what you need:
-A 6x9 canvas drop cloth (or in my case two of them) 
 I like the regular weight canvas for these because I think they drape better than the heavy weight.  They're not as stiff.  Cheaper too - bonus!
-drapery clip rings (from Walmart)
- curtain rods
After washing and drying, I immediately took them out of the dryer to avoid too many wrinkles

Lay them out on the floor and fold them in half.  Then I cut along the fold.  The beauty of drop cloths is that they already have a nice finished edge all the way around so there is no hemming involved - yay!
The cut edge will not have a hem but you can cheat like I did and just fold it over.  Then take your handy little drapery clip and clip that baby to hold the fold.  Just put that edge along your wall so you don't see it.  Clip the cloths with your clip rings (you can fold over any excess fabric if you need to depending on the height of your windows)
Now hang your new linen-like curtains and fluff as desired.

You can buy whatever size drop cloth you need to suit your window size and shape. 6x9 worked for me but yours may be different. Also, feel free to iron them to your liking if you have the time and patience (which sometimes I don't - haha)

Hmmm...after looking at the photos, I need to paint my curtain rods black!  They went well with the toile curtains I had, but not these.

Have a great Friday!
xo and God Bless,

I'm linking up with My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday!
Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday and a giveaway!
Go on over to join and check out these fabulous parties.
Be sure to enter Honey's giveaway too!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Walmart Lampshades

Well, I've got my new shades unwrapped and on my lamps.  You know what?  The lamps are very happy.
So am I!

They add much needed texture to the room.
I think I'll try to find some tassles for these lamps too - or I will make some.

Thank you Walmart.

On another note, remember this little box {pictured above} from my yard sale haul?

It's now nestled snugly between the lamps holding my earrings and other favorite go-to jewelry pieces.
I just knew I would find a good use for this box.

Have a great day!
xo and God Bless,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Chic, French Walmart?

 Yes, Walmart!
  I'm loving some of the stuff that Walmart now carries in their BH&G product line.  I went there looking for some plain old drum shades that I could dress up...

 and this is what I found.
Even better than what I had in mind.
Yesterday I painted some old lamps that I had on hand to look like cement/stone.  Sort of an Aiden Gray inspired project.
I think these shades might be just the thing they need.  I haven't even tried them on yet, hence the plastic still on the shades - haha!
I was too excited about them and wanted to share my find with you all first.

Will let you know how they turned out!

Have a great afternoon...
xo and God Bless,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We will never forget.
God Bless America.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Yard Sale Haul!!

This is a huge weekend for yard sales here in our town and I look forward to it every year!  I went out this morning with my little helper and we had some yard sale fun.  Just thought I'd share a few of my finds with you... 
Love these old galvanized tubs and I got the old basket for a quarter - score!
sweet little cherub...always love these when I find them.  I'll paint him although not sure what color just yet...

I loved this little box too with all of it's divided compartments.

A cool  mirror.  I'm going to remove the mirror and paint the frame then turn it into a chalkboard.  I have another project in mind for the mirror.

more pics of the tubs - love these...can you tell?

Even my little helper found his very own treasure!
It was pouring rain but sometimes that makes for a good yard sale day because not too many people venture out.

Enjoy your weekend!
xo and God Bless,