I wanted you to know how thankful I am to all of you who read my blog. To show my appreciation, I'm going to have a giveaway!
I'm putting a fun little twist on this one. It's very easy to enter. All you have to do is this:
1) take a look at the above photo and leave me a comment telling me what you think it is
this will get you one entry
2) add my blog button to your sidebar for a second entry
{leave me a comment letting me know you did this}
3) post about this giveaway on your blog for a third entry
{again, leave me a comment letting me know you did this}
There is one more twist to this giveaway ~ the prize is going to remain a secret!!
(but I promise you it is good!!)
Thanks everyone for visiting me and for taking the time to read my blog. Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated!!
Now, get to studying that photo and tell me what you think it is!!
xo and God Bless,
Deadline for entries will be Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at midnight.
I will draw a name on January 27!
Good luck everyone!!
Oh! Is it the bottom of a basket? Looks like a fruit basket you see apples in...
Looks like an antique wooden basket. I have a large rectangular one with a handle that I keep my stash of magazines in.
I think it's an antique box to transport an animal - bird, cat? - to the vet. How's that for crazy?! Linda
A picnic basket maybe....
Added your button to my right hand sidebar...you can find it here
Good golly, I don't know what it is, but I WANT it. If you picked it out, it can't be bad, right? :)
Looks like a beautiful vintage fruit crate to me or maybe a chicken coop cake. What a fun giveaway!
Must be a vintage picnic basket.
Well, it is a wooden basket maybe and easter basket?? Not sure but I love old baskets!
Yep, I'd say fruit crate for sure.
My first thought was an apple basket for picking apples in an orchard. That may be too obvious so it must be something else. Looks cute whatever it is.
Fun giveaway, Kathleen! I thought it looked like an orchard or berry box basket, too!
I added this to my sidebar, too!
it's a closeup of a berry picking basket?
I agree with the others. It looks like a basket of some sort. I actually ws trying to work on an old basket today of mine that was loosening up. It sort of looks like this.
Some sort of basket but what kind I have no idea....I am useless!
But I know it is gorgeous!
Lou Cinda
i think it's a stack of strawberry baskets.
fun challenge!
Well, it looks like a basket, but what kind? It looks to sturdy to be a berry basket, too small for an animal basket, maybe a picnic basket, whatever it is I'm sure I'd love to have it! Thanks, shelia
It looks like the side of an old basket, but more than that, I cannot tell!
I am a new follower of your lovely blog!! I think that looks like an apple basket maybe?! Looking forward to see what it is!
Yup, it has gotta be a berry basket! You are so tricky!
I'm a new follower! Can't wait to read all about you. Found you through Linda at Itsy Bits and Pieces. See - those sidebar pics really work!
I put your pic on my sidebar too!
I'm gonna say a vintage apple (fruit) basket although I'm not the first to answer that. I just bought a apple basket and it has such a similar look to this : )
Kathleen, I've had your button in my sidebar for awhile : )
Kathleen, I posted about your giveaway on my blog ..
Whatta' fun giveaway : )
tobacco basket...
I think it's an old fruit basket/crate.
A vintage fruit basket, looks like I am not the only one guessing this!
I'd say it is a vintage picnic basket...with all its beautiful patina!
It looks like some sort of basket...perhaps a vintage fruit basket or picnic basket. It has a great patina!
I scanned to the bottom so I wouldn't be swayed by the other comments...to my eyes it appears to be a two-handled French market basket. Kind of like a picnic basket without a lid.
Kathleen, a wicker fruit basket was my first thought. I'm anxious to find out, I'm sure we will be surprised. I thought maybe you have it pictured in a room in one of your past posts so I looked and looked but not a hint of such a basket. I did enjoy looking through your early posts though. I posted your giveaway on my blog and added your button. Julie
Hmmm....it does look like a basket of sorts! I wonder....
Very nice surprise!
It looks like a basket to me. Maybe with a wire frame and thin bent wood slats? Can't wait to find out. Thanks for the opportunity.
Could it be a fruit drying basket? I've had your button on my sidebar for quite some time. I love you blog!
Looks like a vintage picnic basket top me. I actually use one of these when we get together for a family reunion in the summer.
Fun giveaway!
Looks like a market basket of some sort.
Thanks for the chance,
I didn't cheat and read through the other guesses;-) I think it might be a picnic basket? I'm sure it's an interesting surprise.
My first thought is a picnic basket...maybe because I have a "thing" for picnic baskets.
It looks to me like a rustic basket to me. How fun!
Thanks for a chance to win,
Oh yeah, I am off to add your button to my sidebar.
Looks like a antique strawberry or egg basket.What fun! Warm Blessings!~Amy
I'm going to guess an antique blueberry basket :) This is a fun giveaway! Thanks! ~Christie
I have your button on my sidebar. =)
I think either an egg basket or a berry box.
my guess would be a fruit basket, perhaps one to carry apples, can hardly wait to find out what it is.
I love a mystery! I want to win so that I can find out what it is!
If it is anything like the beautiful things on your blog, I know it will be wonderful.
I love to visit your blog. You have very stylish and affordable ideas and I love your Sunday reflections. Your giveaway is intriguing. Is it an antique berry basket? Please enter me in your drawing.
Blessings to you.
es una caja de frutas como fresas o kiwis, con tapadera
me gusta tu blog, es muy francés
te sigo desde hace una semana,
ya te tengo agregada hace dÃas
un saludo
Hi there,
It looks like a fruit/picnic basket to me!!
Thanks for posting a beautiful blog!
The edge of a wooden market basket? Interesting!
Kathleen I think it looks like an awesome vintagey market or picnic basket to me!
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