Because of all the snow, my little ones missed a week of school and therefore also missed their Valentine's Day classroom parties. They rescheduled the parties for this Friday instead. One of my guys made a Valentine bag for collecting valentines in school as part of a class project, while the other one was just told to bring a bag from home. Of course, I haven't been able to get out much with all of them home from school and with almost 40 inches of snow on the ground. The only bags I could seem to come up with were brown paper restaurant take-out bags and they just wouldn't do. I thought "what am I going to do?" He can't take an Outback Steakhouse bag to school for his Valentines! He wanted something more Valentine-y. I thought I could make something out of fabric instead. Then I went to my fabric stash and had nothing really Valentine related or even red - what's a mom to do???
Then I found the leftover burlap from the lampshade in my previous post and... ahhhh...some red striped jute webbing. Red! Perfect! Not too feminine and if it worked out, I just might have a cute little bag when it's all said and done. It was so quick and easy and I was able to use what I already had lying around in my craft room so I thought I would share it with you all!
All you need for this project is burlap, jute webbing (or any other trim you prefer) and ribbon of your choice. I know the polka dot ribbon might be a little less than masculine (hubby pointed that out to me - haha) but hey, it's the kind of ribbon I had on hand. If I had solid red I would have used it. I tried to make a handle out of the webbing as well, but it was just too thick and I broke my sewing machine needle. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do right? I think he's probably going to be more interested in the candy that will inevitably be a part of the valentines than he will the polka dot handles anyway!
So the way I see it, after he brings all of his treasured valentine's home from school and enjoys the candy in them, I'll have a fun new bag to carry right? I say it's a win, win situation!
So here's to last minute crafting. Sometimes those projects created out of necessity turn out to be the best ones!

Enjoy creating your bags~