Today is the big day!!! The anticipated ultrasound day!! We decided that we wanted to find out whether we're having a boy or a girl and find out we did!! Sugar and spice and everything nice...visions of pinkness are dancing in our heads.

It's a girl!!!!!!
We are soooo excited!
We have a houseful of boys, so this will be such fun for me to go all out girly. I actually found this diaper bag weeks ago and loved it so I bought it. Then I wrapped it up and put it on the top shelf of our closet so as not to jinx myself. I figured if it was a boy, I would just return it. When they told us "it's a girl!" I thought woo hoo, I can keep the diaper bag - haha!!
I found an adorable pink blanket yesterday but I didn't buy it, so my husband stopped off at the store on the way home from the doctor's office so we could run in and get it. When the boys got off of the school bus this afternoon, I just held up the blanket and there was all this yelling and commotion - haha, I'd say they were pretty excited too!
Would you just look at this sweet face? So cute. I can't wait to meet her face to face!

Have a blessed day everyone and I promise to show you the finished project I am working on tomorrow.