I wanted one too (insert child-like whine here)! I had just the perfect piece for it and all it needed was a new coat of paint! So I got to work and after a little rearranging in the kitchen, the rest fell into place. I now have my very own coffee station and I looove it! Thank you so much Brenda for the inspiration. 

I love the way it frees up my counter space and makes the coffee pot easily accessible to anyone who is in the kitchen. It sits in a nice central location that isn't in the way of anything. Plus, I get some added storage for extra dishes and serving pieces. I put a little shelf above the cabinet and I've hung some coffee mugs on the pegs. The rest are on the shelf along with a few other adds and ends.

Well, imagine my surprise when I came to visit and found you mentioning my name! I love your coffee station! It's so vintagy beautiful! Isn't it wonderful having it all set up in one spot? I stand there, get my coffee cup out from underneath. Put two Splenda packets in (I keep one crystal jar full of Splenda, and one of Equal, which my husband prefers). Stir, then head for the fridge to add some cream. Then to the computer to read email. The start of each and every single day!
How perfect is that??? I might have to "borrow" this idea too!
Very luxurious. It's like you're at your own bed & breakfast. I also love that skirt you made for the dresser. Really cute!
what a great idea!!! Love what you've done and thanks for sending me to visit Brenda's blog.
Hi, your little coffee station is very cute. I have the same red and white plates as you do!
What a great idea and your interpretation is as beautiful as it is practical. I also love the table skirt!
Love the coffee station. I may have to do some "idea borrowing" on this one! :-)
What a beautifully elegant coffee station!
Oh Kathleen....that is sooooooo beautiful!!!! I just love everything about it,I am so glad I saw this post..have not felt overly inspired as of late,but now....wow,just love it!!! Talk soon,Chrissy
Oh my this is so french cottagie cute! Love, love, love it!
Such a neat idea! You could even use the idea for a tea area!
I remember seeing Brenda's post about her coffee station. Yours looks fabulous! ::Jill
PS Congratulations about your new baby girl! Daughters are simply the best thing ever (no offense to sons - they're pretty cool too!).
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