Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The Flowers and the French Bucket

All you have to do is cut out little circles of polyester satin fabric in graduated sizes and then melt them {very carefully} over a candle flame.

I got so excited with this project that I forgot to take photos as I was going along...

However, you can go here for an excellent step by step tutorial with photos!
Plus, she has lots of other cool projects you can check out as well.

Now, flip the paper back over and put it where you want it on your bucket. Tape it in place.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
A Winner, A French Bucket and Some Cool Rosettes!

Okay, finally I am posting the winner of my giveaway! Please accept my sincerest apology. My intentions were good I promise, I actually did the random number generator first thing this morning but never got around to actually announcing the winner.

All because of this!
Yep, almost a foot of the white stuff. School has been cancelled for the past two days and I haven't been able to get much of anything done.
However, better late than never I guess. Sorry to keep you all in suspense all day.

On to the winner...I used the random number generator to pick a winner and it chose lucky
Yay~~ Kathleen from Faded Charm was the winner!!
Congrats Kathleen!!

Thank you all so much for playing the guessing game with me. It was fun and just about every one of you guessed it correctly. The mystery photo was a bunch of berry baskets all stacked up. I think I'll have to make it harder next time!!

~a heart shaped, lavender filled rice pillow that can be popped in the microwave to warm it up~
{perfect for snuggling on the couch on these chilly winter nights}
and last but not least
~a cute ruffly bag with a fun handmade rosette~
{which you will see below}
oh, and there is also some yummy hand lotion packed inside a fun little Parisian themed box!
I apologize that the additional items are not pictured. I will post them soon enough. It's just been a bit hectic and I haven't been able to get them photographed yet.
Thanks so much everyone for playing! I enjoyed it.
Kathleen, email me when you get a free minute with your contact info and I will get your goodies right out to you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Don't Forget!

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday Blessings
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Color Me Red...

added a red book to the mantel vignette

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Tale of an Old Bench

I mean, look at these legs? It's perfect!!
I'm imagining a sweet little step-up bench to Abigail's big girl bed one day. That's a few years away I realize, but hey I'm thinking ahead.
Okay, back to the story. So I grab it and haul it to the car.
Husband sees it the next day and gives me the oh my...just what are you going to do with that look.
Just wait, I say...I've got great plans for this baby!

and suddenly, the perfect bench is born!
Oh, and husband said to me last night...
"You know, I really like that bench."
End of story.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody and thank you for entering my giveaway!
If you haven't entered yet, you may still do so by clicking here.
xo and God Bless,
I'm linking up with My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
What Is It??? A Giveaway!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday Blessings

Thursday, January 6, 2011
A Sweater Re-Fashion Tutorial

I found an old T-shirt...way past it's prime...and decided to cut it up to make some ruffles and a flower for the sweater.

Hint...when your ruffle is the length that you want it, tie off the top thread and the bobbin thread on each end so your ruffle doesn't come unravelled

Now...before you do anything else, reset the stitch length to normal on your sewing machine. Do it now so you don't forget later.