I decided to take a little break from the chairs to work on a few little projects. I'm so bad - I'm one of those quick results kind of people - meaning when I get started on a project, I want to finish it quick. I'm too impatient sometimes - I can't wait to get it finished, to see the end result of my work. I know, I know - patience is a virtue!! So anyway, I decided to take a break and work on something I've had on the back burner for awhile - something I could complete in a day and have on my mantle by late afternoon - hahah! I found an old candle holder at the flea market a while back and I was drawn to it because I liked the fleur-de-lis that circled the top. I think it was a dollar so I grabbed it up, bought it and took it home with me. Here it is in it's before state:
and here it is all finished and on my mantle!
Here is a close up of those sweet little fleur-de-lis. I painted the whole thing white and then went over it with a pale blue wash.
And.....looky looky what I found...

A wonderful old French postcard
Isn't she fabulous??!!
Enjoy your day everyone!!
Oh you are so talented.
And you have that "eye," for seeing how things 'could' be. Which I think is like style. You have it or you don't. :-) You do!!!
Aunt Amelia
"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." ~Anon.
Kathleen they are all just beautiful!
Simply beautiful.. I especially like the postcard. I must keep my eye open for some...
Happy valentine's Day..
hugs ~lynne~
I like it! I am finally being won over by the "all different shades of white" interiors :-) We are just trying decide on paint colors for my walls and trim. Will it be Swiss coffee or Heavy Cream?
I wish I had the eye to see something in a different light! I admire those that do! I do love the fleur-de-lis and what a lucky find with the postcard. Good luck with your chairs....patience my friend! I'm sure your end result will be well worth the wait!
I love it! I don't blame you for wanting to take a break. It must take hours to take all the tacks out of your chairs! They will be beautiful when you finish them too. :)
Have a great weekend!
Kathleen, I have been thinking of you working on those chairs, it is hard work but it will be so worth it. I also understand the need for immediate gratification..your project is simply perfect. I love the addition of the sea shells and twine..really shows an artist's heart. Cindy
I just saw the note you left me and I its funny cause I feel the same way about your blog!!!Everytime I visit I feel the urge to change something in my house...kindred spirits I guess! Hope your weekend is a good one, talk to you soon...oh silly me, I love this post, but I want to see the whole mantle...PLEASE!
Oh, yes-yes-yes! The postcard is precious as is your candle holder AND the music I happen to be listening to now as I read your post.
Oh, yes, love the postcard.
I must come here more often for beauty and inspiration!
Oh My Gosh, Kathleen,
Your blog is absolutely beautiful! I adore the faux grain sack pillow.
Thanks for reading my blog and leaving your nice comments. I'll be visiting you often.
All the best,
Hi Kathleen,
What a difference a little paint can make. The candle holder is a real treasure. Can't wait to see what you do with your chairs - hopefully the hard part is over (pulling out all of those tacks!!!)
Happy Valentine's Day.
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