Not a whole lot going on around here. The kids returned to school today after a full 2 weeks off and things are a bit quiet. I'm catching up on the house cleaning and laundry. Trying to organize the kids toys and grocery shopping of course.
I wanted to thank all of you who left such kind comments and condolences for the loss of Dante. It was so comforting to read your comments. Losing our furry family friend has been tough but we are focusing on happy times spent with him! So thank you!!
On a happier note, I can't wait to show you the perfect French Provincial hutch that we found for the new nursery. It's from the 1940's and it is gorgeous! The only dilemma I face is whether to paint it a warm creamy color and then antique it or leave it as is. It's currently in it's original color which is white but it has aged to a sort of yellow tone with gold accents. I'll have to post a photo of it some time this week and maybe all of you talented decoraters out there could give me your opinions.
Well, I will close for now, but again, I do thank you all for your caring comments and I'll return with some hutch photos very soon! Have a great day everyone!!
God Bless,
Oh, I love French breads. We were in Reims, Bayeux and Paris the week before Christmas and I swear I ate my weight in baguettes and croissants. There is nothing like real French bread. When we got back home (to Germany) my dad, who was visiting for the holidays noticed how the bread in Germany (while delicious) is different from the bread in France. What do they do over there????
I must bake some bread!! Yours smells so good. I can't wait to see the hutch.
a hutch in the baby's room......wow......how awesome!
Kathleen....that bread looks devine,you can almost smell it!! HAve a wonderful day my friend,Chrissy
I can practically smell that bread from here! Glad you stopped by to say hello. Good luck with you last few weeks of pregnancy.
Oh, that French bread looks heavenly. What a delicious treat!
You have got me inspired to bake some bread too...perhaps tomorrow...it's a bit late now!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Hi Kathleen- just discovered your lovely blog! I look forward to reading more!
Really enjoyed visitng your blog. I love your french linen pillow project. I am putting that on my list to do!
I keep forgetting how close our due dates are! Mine was yesterday...ugh.
Took castor oil and hour and a half ago...midwife says there is no turning back now but I feel nothing.
Your blog looks great.
French bread was the one thing I did not get done before today - I did make some a few weeks ago and tweaked my recipe... they were amazing.
I can smell yours from here.
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