Today, wonderful husband and I celebrate 10 years of marriage! What a gloriously blessed day! We have come so far and have been through so much together - births, losses, celebrations, good days and not so good ones - we have weathered them all - together, side by side as one. I am so thankful to have been blessed with such a wonderful man!!

Thank you my love, for ten wonderful years!!

I hope you have a wonderful anniversary. Ten is quite a milestone these days.
Jay and I will celebrate 20 years in November - I'm amazed that one of hasn't ended up at the funny farm by now. :)
By today's standards, 10 years is a miracle!!!
I don't know about anybody else, but I have to WORK at my marriage! I find I am still growing and being challenged, even after nearly 38 years of marriage.
Congratulations!! And here's to many, many more!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy 10th Anniversary!
We just had ours as well on February 20th.
Time flies! :)
Happy Anniversary!!!!
I'm sure it's been an amazing journey. Enjoy your day and have a blessed weekend :)
Cheers as you celebrate ten years of love and life with your hubby. Hope you celebrate this milestone in your lives in a special way.
Happy Twirls
Well good for you two, isn't it wonderful to have one of the marriages that last?!? Enjoy your evening together, wishing you many more!!! Talk soon, x0x0x0
Happy anniversary and many more :)
Happy anniversary and many more :)
It can be done! Marriages can last!
We're heading toward our 31 anniversary ... We are still growing together... still learning about each other and about ourselves. Sometimes we just laugh at ourselves...
Every phase in life awakens us anew. He's still my favorite person to have a cup of tea or coffee with, whatever the time of day ~ Happy Anniversary! ~Maria
Lovely photos! and Happy 10th Anniversary, wishing you and your husband a perfect day and many more to come.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Ten years is a big one. So great that you are still going strong. Wishing you many, many more years to come!
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! Great photos by the way too!
Congratulations on this milestone anniversary! Hoping you have many more for the rest of your life.
What a blessing-
and wonderful testimony of your love for him....
Joyeux anniversaire~ This August will be our 21st...when we reached 10, that's when it got difficult for about 5 yrs. I found out from friends that they experienced the same...so my advice...trudge on through any difficulties you may encounter and know that it isn't as bad as it may seem. When you make it to 15yrs. it seems to be easy breezy. Forgive quickly and love gently...we are all fragile, be kind to one another. This advice is for myself as well.
Those seaside treasures are lovely.
Congrats! Hope your special day was wonderful!
xoxoxo Meg
Pretty photos! Happy Belated Anniversary.
What a wonderful couple. Happy Anniversary. God Bless You
Pam :)
I love this jar. I could think of a million places to use something like that.
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