Okay, now here is the second item up for opinion! My mom rescued this old, and I mean really old, chair from the curb and she gave it to me knowing how I love old tattered things. I have re-covered the seat with blue and white ticking stripe fabric and again, don't know whether to leave the wood as is or paint it creamy white. I don't know what my problem is, I never used to be this indecisive when it comes to painting furniture. I used to just paint it, no question! But now, I really need help deciding. Please, please, please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. I'm begging!
Now to the cute basket...I was perusing the Salvation Army again with my mom and found this wonderful basket that is perfect for holding bread out on the counter top. I love it because the bread is easily accessible for making sandwiches but it's kind of hidden too!
I love old baskets. There are so many creative uses for them and they just look pretty. Plus, they seem to be very easy to find and very inexpensive too at the flea markets. So economical in these times!
Enjoy your day and please, please, please let me know what you think about the painting. (uh oh, I'm begging again)
Have a blessed day everyone!
And the after!
I love it! I'm finding that I put everything on it and use it more than my calendar. Wow! What did I do before I had this?
Have a great day everyone!!