I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read my post about my painting dilemma and also to each one of you who left me a comment. I read every single one (more than once) and after considering all of your ideas and opinions, I chose to paint the cherubs and the chair. I felt the creamy paint would go best with my decor so that's what I did! I'm so happy with the way they turned out and now know that I made the right decision. Thank you all so much for your input. I really appreciate it very much!!

I will be completing the chair today so I will post it tomorrow.
Thanks again and have a blessed day everyone!
Kathleen, it looks great!
Can't wait to see the chair :)
Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous!!!!I knew those little cherubs would love being painted!!!!xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I just painted a clock and posted it...seems we are all painting!!!
Splendid! They almost look like alabaster...
Good decision, I struggle with knowing when to paint and when to keep things "as is" all the time. What kind of paint did you use? My last attempt to paint over "gold leaf" failed as the paint did not adhere well. Can't wait to see the chair!
Those look great!!
Barbara jean
Gorgeous!!! You did a fantastic job!
I have a gold lamp I want to paint also, I posted about it earlier....could you share with me the technique you used?
you really did a great job! really!!
Can't wait to see the chair
They look stunning as I knew they would, I will stop by tomorrow to see the chair,can't wait!! x0x0x
I love the choice of antique white. Very pretty.
Also, I just want to THANK YOU for such a wonderfully inspiring blog. Everytime I visit you, I am inspired to try and make my little place beneath a Southern sky more beautiful.
And while I'm here visiting your special place, I see that I am on your blog roll. I am so honored! Thank you so very much.
They look great. The paint and ivy really revived them and I love how they turned out.
Hey...saw your notes, I know doesn't that store look amazing, think we may go up one weekend next month,my guess is it will be pricey though!! Can not wait to see your chair, I will stop back later,Chrissy
They look so much better white! Great job! Denise
everything here is so inspiring, added you to my blog roll...have a great day!
They turned out fabulously!
Looks very good and HELLO!!! This version of In Christ Alone is my favorite - it makes me weep every time.
A great choice!
Those are awesome!
This turned out so great! fabulous...they will be very happy in your home.:)
Oh that turned out just chippy perfect!! Love it, Janna
They look great painted white or cream.. and I love the ivy you added too.
Your fabulous sail boat project is included in Bloggers Craft II on Completely Coastal.
I'm glad to visit a great blog. Smart posts and beautiful photos. I like to contact people, all over the world, by his blogs.Would you follow me,because I'm afraid to lost your blog?I'm waiting your visit. Thank's
I just wanted to leave a comment and let you know that I found your blog today and I think it is fabulous. We have very simular decorating styles in our homes. It's funny, I have the same cloches and our vignettes are very simular as well. Have a beautiful day and I hope you will stop by my blog sometime. Take Care.
It turned out soooo good! I'm so glad you decided to paint it. Love it! Dripping moss would add a more french look too.
Hi Kathleen! We are birds of a feather, of sorts! I have the same two cherubs that are pictured. I painted, distressed, and added a plant to the one, also. Yours are beautiful! I have placed my cherubs on a very high ledge in my master bath along with other cherubs on the wall and shelving. They make me smile. Where are you placing yours?
They look oh so perfect, you did a marvelous job :)
What a wonderful blog! You are extremely talented with an incredible eye pour la belle decor francais!
Very, very inspiring--- :o)
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