This is now in its place.

I'm slowly starting to put a few things into the room. I can't add too much yet because we're still waiting on all of the baseboard trim to arrive. I'm also on the hunt for the perfect French little something to use as a storage unit for all of my crafting goodies. I'd love to find some sort of cupboard/hutch/cabinet that will span the length of the wall. I found a wonderful shelving/cabinet combo last Saturday on Craigslist. It was perfectly rustic and chippy but after responding to the ad, I never heard a thing back. The posting was removed very soon after, so I'm assuming they either changed their minds or it just sold very quickly. I'm guessing it sold ~ it was beautiful. That's okay though...I figure it just wasn't meant to be. Something even better will come along.
{although I hope it happens soon because all of my fabrics, paints, papers, etc...are piling up and blue rubbermaid tubs just aren't looking very pretty with that chandelier!}
Okay, so until I can show you the final reveal...
...I can show you a few of the little things that I have lying about here and there.
a cool industrial cabinet to hold rubber stamps, jewelry making supplies and whatever else I find
Wondeful! No21x
It looks beautiful.
Bon week-end a toi,
Leeann x
That is one GORGEOUS chandy, girl!
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