First, is the Fabulous Finds award given to me by Olive Rue. She is a photographer with a wonderful blog. Go visit her to see lots of beautiful photos, a fabulous corkboard that she made out of a vintage frame as well as lots of photos of beautiful rooms and decor. Oh!! and she's having a Valentines day giveaway! Go visit her right away!!
The award was created by Olive Rue and it is passed along to "all you insanely talented, dumpster-diving, curb-swiping, flea market finding, thrift store tiara wearing, self proclamied junk shop queens out there. How's that for a title???" ~Olive Rue
I am to pass it along to 8 others...so...this award is going to:
Savvy City Farmer
The Apothecary Shop
Decor To Adore
Kathy's Cottage
The Painted Garden
Whispering Pines Antiques
Reese and Marie
Grits and Glamour
I got another award from Reese and Marie!! She has a beautiful blog too that I love to visit often. She is doing some painting in her dining room and just got a great table from her dad. Chairs are being upholstered and will arrive soon. They sound fabulous! Go visit her, you will love it!! Thank you for my award!!

This award is passed along to:
Between Naps On the Porch
Kathleen Ellis
Olive Rue
Our Scented Cottage
Parisienne Farmgirl
Lynne's Gifts From the Heart
A Cottage To Me
Aunt Amelia's Attic
A great big thank you to Olive Rue and Reese & Marie. Both of you ladies have made my day and I thank you!!
****so sorry for the repeat of this post, I had to fix a link that was incorrect****
Hey there my sweet, Kathleen. Thank you very much for all the support you show and all the sweet comments you leave.
The little blurp you gave about me on your blog is too kind. Thank you! I love visiting your blog as well and I'm glad to have met you.
Congratulations on the award from Marie, and thank you for the passing it along to me. I hope you have a fabulous weekend! :-)
Thank you, Kathleen...how sweet of you! Love your blog and will check out these others you recommend!
Have a happy weekend!
Oh I hadn't seen this award before! How fun. Thank you very, very much. You are absolutely adorable.
Neat-o Award! Thanks for thinking of me. Have a great weekend! ~barb
Thank you so much! I was so excited to see that I got an award..my first! Thank you!
Kathleen...Congrats on your awards!!! Thanks so much for passing along the Proximity Award. I am truly honored that you thought of me! :-) Susan
Congratulations on your award and passing one on to me..how sweet of you. Thanks for the visit to the shop today.. I sure appreciated and enjoyed your visit. Have a super w/k.. hugs ~lynne~
I am soooooooo honored and I LOVE the logo....I will save it and blog with it really soon....you are a dear and I am proud to be your new friend....
Hi, just came by to get my award!!!! Thank you so much, i just have to say how weird it is , we have such similar tastes!!!Hope you have a wonderful weekend, keep the ideas coming, talk soon!!!
Dear Kathleen,
Thank you so much for counting me, in this sweet {"exceedingly charming"} list. I will mull over my picks and post them.
Aunt Amelia
"Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding cake."
~ Robert Louis Stevenson, "Winter Time"
Congratulations on your awards,,,,, And thank you for passing the Olive Rue award along to me! I am not very good with this blog thing yet, but I really appreciate you thinking of me! Angie
Thank you for the award!!! I really appreciate it! I love your laundry room chandelier. I'm going to have to get busy and start beautifying my laundry area. After all, it deserves it for all the work it does for us. :)
Have a wonderful day!
Congratulations on your awards Kathleen! These are wonderful, and how wonderful of you to pass them along:>) I feel honored to receive the fabulous finds award. I love Junkin:>) and I love your beautiful blog!
Thank you so much for awarding me such a cute award! I love the logo. And I'm so flattered it is coming from someone with such great taste! I will be sure to post about it in my next post.
Thanks again,
Hi Kathleen,
Thank you for passing on the Fabulous Finds Award to me. I am honored that you thought of me. This is my first blog award and I have been so busy "repurposing" some of my fabulous finds that I just now had a few minutes to read my e-mails and visit your blog.
I will blog about it and show some of my "fabulous finds" on my blog this week.
Have a lovely week.
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