Here are a few shots of the great room off of the kitchen.

This is the look that I want in the formal living room as well.

I want it to be casual and comfortable but elegant and timeless too - all with a French flare of course!

So here's the dilemma. This is the living room in it's current state:

I have really grown tired of the yellow and the whole room seems kind of outdated to me. Or maybe it's just because my tastes have changed - I don't know - but I do know that I want a change.

What color do I paint this room? I want it to blend with the taupe and red colors that are currently in the other parts of this level of the house. I'm not sure if I should just use the same color again because that is easy or go with something different. This is where I'm stumped because I'd like to go with something different but I don't know what color to use. You can see this room from all of the other areas of the house so it has to coordinate really well without being too busy. When you walk in the front door, you can see the colors of the kitchen, great room, dining room, living room and foyer all at once. I want everything to be balanced without being too matchy matchy and because the house itself is so symetrical, I don't want a wrong color choice to make one side or the other too heavy. Help!! What do I do?? Am I being too picky? HaHa!
Thank you for your help - I can't wait to read your ideas! Have a fabulous week!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment! I'm so glad you stopped by, and hope you continue to!
Oooh... I don't have much experience painting since we've always rented due to the Army :). What about an antique white with some selective stenciling, maybe in taupe? Fleur de lis or something? Then you can paint over them when you get tired of them and do something else :).
I told you I wasn't good at this!!!
Working and developing color every day, I ran across the Benjamin Mooere color called "French Canvas"...it is always my suggestion....neautral but with a wonderful canvas-y flair...check it out
let's chat
Your little boy is so cute! I would be the wrong one to ask about color, whenit's time to paint here,(and it's always timer to paint something!) I obsess endlessly and sometimes still dont like the results! I just painted our bedroom last year and I am already picking out a new color (shhh, don't tell my husband!)
Hello, I am new to blogging as well. Your blog is beautiful. I am one for color. My home is set-up similiar to yours. With the dining room to one side of the front door, the "parlor" off the other side and the kitchen and family room straight ahead. All rooms visible to each other. Our kitchen is red, the " parlor" is alittle deeper red, family room is a meadow green or mountain green, entry way is a golden warm yellow and the dining room is wallpapered in a VERY bold pattern with similiar colors to the other rooms. I know my color choices may be more then most would choose, but it seems to work. If your not afraid of color, I would go for maybe a warmer golden color or a soft updated green. Good luck! Can't wait to see your choice.
Hi Kathleen, Your son is precious..you just might have a budding pianist on your hands.:-) Wish I had suggestions for paint...I always struggle, too...choosing paint. When I'm trying to decide, I often go to one of the larger, nicer paint stores where I know the decorators tend to go. Then I asked the folks who work there...what are the most popular colors the decorators use. They always know and it keeps me from being overwhelmed by millions of choices. I can't wait to see what you choose. Oh, another little trick I do...I will purchase a few sheets of inexpensive poster board and then paint whatever color I'm considering on the large poster board. Then using masking tape, I move it around the room, sticking it on the wall behind the edge of furniture and looking at it in different light. So much easier to "change your mind" and use something different if you've only just painted some poster board. The poster board is large enough to give you a pretty good idea how it will look in the room. :-) Susan
Maybe a golden brown warm buttery color? Like Susan suggested above...you can buy a tiny can of paint at Lowes for like $3 and try it out. We are trying to decide on a color ourselves and I have bought five of those tiny cans! It helps because then you can see the paint color as the light changes in your room throughout the day. Love your blog! Good luck!
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