I have been trying to find a new table for our family room for a while now. I knew in my mind exactly what I wanted - the shape, the style - the only thing I couldn't decide on was the color. Did I want it painted black or did I want a nice distressed wood? Hmmmm...it had been bugging me because I just figured that when I found "the one" it would jump out at me and I would know. Anyway, I couldn't find what I was looking for. After visiting the local flea markets, antique stores, Goodwill (to paint or distress my own) and finding nothing, I was starting to become a little discouraged. After putting the search on hold for a little while, I decided out of the blue yesterday morning to give Craigslist a try. I typed "coffee table" in the search box and look at what came up!!!

Oh my gosh...this was THE ONE!!! And the best part? Look at the colors - a mix of both black paint and distressed wood. The best of both worlds. I responded to the seller right away and here's the really cool part of it all...when she responded to my email, it turns out that she's someone I know but haven't seen in about 2 years! I met her about 3 or 4 years ago when I bought something else from her. It was so nice, that I bought some other things from her that she was selling on Ebay. Go figure! She paints beautiful furniture as well as many other things and she sews too! She is one talented lady and I was thrilled when I found out that she had done this table too.

Have a great day everyone!
What a chic little way to start the weekend ...it's exactly how I feel about my pub table in our kitchen..
you done good, honey
p.s. gotta keep our men happy, too
Oh that's beautiful. Don't forget to come sign up for my Valentine's Day giveaway. It starts today. :-) Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Don't you just love a good find! I love it too. A friend of mine came upon one at the curb, similiar to yours only with an iron base. Good job!
P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! Still figuring things out, lol.
very cool - you've just GOTTA have the perfect coffee table or else the whole room is off!
Hi Kathleen,
So glad that you found the perfect table for your home. It goes great with your lovely French style. Speaking of French style - have you visitied Sarah at Sadieolive.com? She has a blog with photos of her French inspried home and uses old grain sacks and vintage ticking. Her home was featured in Romantic Homes magazine and reminds me of your style.
Have fun with your great table.
Hugs and Blessings,
So happy for your find. And how nice that it also put you back in touch with a friend.
Aunt Amelia
"Whatever improves the lace and makes it more beautiful is right." ~ Sister Judith
Great table! That's the best feeling when you find the exact thing you wanted...or it finds you!
I just love when God directs my path to exactly what I didn't know I want!
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